Cidade Velha - Belém - Pará - Brasil

Landi Room 

  • Sala Landi Sala Landi
  • Sala Landi Sala Landi
  • Sala Landi Sala Landi

Antonio Landi was known in Bologna more for his qualities as a producer of drawings rather than an architect, and he was recruited for the expedition to the colony of Brazil in that first capacity.

His activities as draftsman and engraver comprise a discrete number of works, many of which are in the Bologna City Library 'Archiginnasio' .

The book exhibited at the Landi Room is a collection of prints entitled "Raccolta di alcune facciate and Cortili of Palazzi di più riguardevoli di Bologna", undated, made by Italian architect Antonio José Landi depicting works of illustrious names of Italian architecture of sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, including Raffalello, Michelangelo, Palladio, Vignola, Domenico Tibaldi, Floriano Ambrosini, Camillo Arcucci, Giovanni Battista Crescenzi, Pietro da Cortona, Bernini, Borromini, and also one of his own masters, Francesco Bibiena.

  • Endereço

    Rua Siqueira Mendes, nº 61 - Cidade Velha
    CEP: 66020-600 - Belém - Pará - Brasil
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